Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brooklyn Half Marathon (13.1 Miles)

The results are in people!

WOW!!!  We had a blast!  There were about 17 B'lites that ran the race. 
OK, Sea & I were not quite the fastest...but it was awesome! 

We had TONS of support - spouses that didn't run and just GOOD OL' FRIENDS that cheered us all the way to the finish!



YES! I just completed 13.1 miles!!!!

CrossFitters can do ANYTHING!!!

Look at this group of gals!
YPA.....How can I make true friends?

Crystal Spanish Cong REPRESENT!

Thanks everybody!
We also landed a photo on the NYRR (New York Road Runners) website

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1/2 Marathon Training

OK, people I know what you're thinking - WHAT! She's training for something again??
Yes, I must admit, I signed myself & Sea for a 1/2 marathon to do with a bunch of other "B'lites" and it just came up quick, WAY too quick.  Especially since we had snow so late this year.

Unfortunately I learned about a little thing called "shin splints."  I will be the first to tell you that this here injury is NO FUN! I was on my way home tonight crossing the Brooklyn Bridge - right on that downhill home stretch. Usually I am loving that point because you feel like a serious athlete sprinting with great stride down the last 1/4 mile of the bridge (Manhattan to Brooklyn). Then it happened this excruciating pain down the front of my leg - my shins were on FIRE!!!

It was crippling.  Sea noticed I had fallen behind and was doubled over.  I walked the rest of the way home and spent the rest of the night reading up on shin splints.  I iced my anterior tibia for 15 minutes, took 600mg ibuprofen and called it a night.  My plan is to do no more than stretching for the rest of the week and continue with my icing and stretch routine to see if I can still run this race in Saturday.....

Avoid overuse injury people!  Its horrible!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Seedling Swap - NYC

Friday, May 6th on Towers Roof, we had our first Seedling Swap!
It was a BLAST! 
Thanks so much to everyone who participated and those who supported us
and got to take home some of the goodies!
There's more happiness in giving, right?

Well here are some pics to show just how well we all did with our little babies :)

Thanks for the Lemon!

Sharing is Caring :)

Italian Parsley
This is serious business
Negotiations begin!
Thanks for the hot peppers!


Thanks everyone!  Especially those who "baby sat" for us over Memorial & Special Talk weekends away :)
All the hubby's that supported us too - You guys are awesome!!!
Thanks Yumi & JM for letting us do our "rogue" Seedling Swap in NYC!  It was a great experience!


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