Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Gilead Grad this past weekend was phenomenal!  Uplifting, encouraging and thought provoking!  There was one thought in particular that has stuck with me (and I hope it sticks with me for many, many years to come), it involved one key to happiness and remaining successful in our "assignments."
"Don't become the thing you hate"
Now, I have heard the expression before, but this day it has taken a whole new meaning for me.  It was mentioned that of course there are some things that a person may do that you just can't stand.  For example: I hate that they never respond or acknowledge me when I speak to them (or whatever your poison may be) the point is, that negative type of thinking can become like an autoimmune disease.  That negative attitude begins to attack our own body (self worth, perception and view of one's self) so much so that it becomes self-destructive.  You may reason: I'm not gonna speak to them, because they NEVER speak to me.... 
We end up becoming or taking on the very traits that we loath!
It was urged for us to keep in mind that:

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"
-Winston Churchill


  1. Excellent! Thanks for sharing that!

  2. You know they NEVER disappoint! We had 2 friends graduate this time around - old friends from California, so it was extra special. miss ya!

  3. So very very true!!! Thank you for sharing. The graduation program is so amazing. I remember our last one together!! Good times and good spiritual food most definitely.

  4. most def! We're waiting for you guys to come out again....maybe for annual meeting???



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