Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Sancocho

What can be better on a cold - and I mean frigid cold day then a nice bowl of Sancocho. 
What is Sancocho? (all my gringo friends may ask) Just the BEST stew ever! 
It is full of yuca (cassava), green plantains, white sweet potato, yautia blanca y amarilla (I have no idea what the equivalent is :-D),yellow potatoes, sweet yellow onions, garlic, red bell pepper, carrots, corn on the cobb, auyama (pumpkin squash), coriander seed and fresh cilantro.  There is a version of sancocho that includes "7 carnes" or seven "types" of meat.  I know, I know - I thought the same thing first time I tried it, but interestingly enough they use smoked and fresh pork chops, gallina (hen), smoked chicken, longaniza (pork sausage), and beef.  
Over a bed of Piping hot white rice and avocado wedges on the side......Yum-O.  And that's a Sunday Sancocho for ya!

Thanks to Llumidla for her awesome recipe :)


  1. Mmmm mmm! (Yes, I am one of those "gringa" friends of yours, ha!)

  2. Crazy girl! LOL! You know about ALL of that good stuff :)



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